My Resting State



Hey Fam,

It’s Thursday! Who’s ready for the weekend? Haha, I pray you all are doing well!

We all have that one thing that just tries to stop us from being great. And really I’m the type of person that once I’m fixated on something I have to finish it. About a year ago it was reading. If I opened a new book, I didn’t even want to talk to another person until it was finished. Sometimes I didn’t even want to go to work (just being honest lol) it was really bad. I could really call it an addiction because if I had let it, reading had the ability to begin interfering with my daily life style. A few months ago it was social media. I spent sooo much time mindlessly scrolling. Only to look at the time and wonder where it went. The silly thing was… it wasn’t even interesting. At least when I was reading I was learning lol. So now I’ve limited myself to 3 minutes social media bursts. If I can’t like, comment, share, quote, tag in those 3 minutes then… I just don’t. Sooo recently it’s been Netflix lol (I’m so ashamed of this). We were out most of last week because of the snow and I randomly started a series on Netflix. Mind you that this series has like 4 seasons I had to catch up on. So instead of doing any of the one million things I could have gotten done… I sat, and sat, and sat, and sat lol until I looked up and it was the weekend again. That was very poor of me. But one thing I do know about myself is that once I notice the problem, I get rid of it as soon as possible.

It is so easy to get distracted by… things that in the perspective of life in general, mean nothing. Looking back at my daily to do list, I wouldn’t have one anymore if I took the time to do what I was supposed to do. Especially when I was supposed to do it… I know how important it is for me to have a schedule, because when I don’t have one, I only set myself up for distractions… and I know better. Truly my mind wanders so easily to places and people who only exist in my subconscious vying for attention as the lead character to bleed from my ink pen. It’s up to me to tell them, don’t worry, I’ll get to know you all.

So what are some things that’s stopping you from being great? And what are you going to do to aid yourself in the process. My advice, that I constantly give myself… modify. Modify how you deal with it, and the amount of attention you give “it”. I love you all and pray that you all have a lovely weekend. I leave you with this…

1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.

Thanks again, God bless and One love.
-Quellz (komplex simplicity)

2 responses to “My Resting State”

  1. Love this one.. I have many distractions. Learning to put one away at a time! #Props


    1. Me too! It’s an everyday Struggle lol


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