Before We Speak Words


Hey Fam,

It’s Monday evening, and it’s been a pretty eventful day. I pray that all is well in your individual lives and that you all had a great weekend!

So Friday after we chatted, I began thinking about my friends. That word is huge for me because I don’t take it lightly. I personally feel like individuals throw that word around so casually, but not me. Growing up I didn’t have many friends, not because I couldn’t, but because I have so many siblings, and they were my friends. As we all began to get older I started branching out and letting people in, very few, but more than before.

When I made the move to Tennessee, I was in a place of hurt. I was in a new, slower paced city, and I had absolutely no direction for my life. Shiny new degree in hand, but it felt useless. It was only when I started to let myself trust again, that I opened up the possibility of making new friends. And I did. Quite a few actually!

Within the first few interactions of meeting someone, I can usually tell where I want it to go. I, for the most part, get along with almost everyone I meet. But my discernment has never failed me. I know if there’s a possibility of us being friends or if it’s okay for me to love you from a distance. Although, lately I have found that I am being drawn towards some people. It’s sort of like it’s the Holy Spirit working to pull two individuals that normally would not be friends together. At first I tried to fight it, but now I embrace it.

Over the last three years I have began some pretty awesome relationships. I have interacted and shared meals with people I would have never imagined and it continues to get better. I say that to say this though… not all friendships are meant to last forever. Some are for a reason, and some are for a season. When you find one that’s worth holding on to, embrace it. Cherish it. Knowing that you are both there to sharpen one another. To build up and not to tear down. To spill honestly with love, and to assist us on our journey that is this life.

My friends Hope and Ryan are two of those people that I never thought I’d call friend. Their colorful natures came with a reputation long before hellos were exchanged, but me not being a person who buys into the hype, I was courteous. Now I can’t imagine two other people besides them that I’d want to pray for and with during the failures and the triumphs.

Friendship is so intimate, it’s literally trusting another person with a piece of who you are, and it’s meant to be beautiful. Anyway, I hope you have a blessed night! I love you all and I leave you with this…

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NLT

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

Thanks again, God bless and One love.
-Quellz (komplex simplicity)

P.S. Real friends PRAY for each other!

2 responses to “Before We Speak Words”

  1. I love this !!!!! I’m glad I have you to call friend!!! I wouldn’t want it any other way 🙂 love you!


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